NetIQ Identity Manager Supports Seamless Integration for Germany's National Meteorological Service

Germany’s National Meteorological Service, the Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD), is the gov ernment body tasked with providing meteorological information to help protect organizations and individuals from the effects of adverse weather. To maintain high levels of security and meet compliance requirements, DWD must ensure that each of its 2,500 employees can only access the systems relevant to their specific roles. The solution from NetIQ and G + H Sys tems plays a vital role in enabling DWD to meet its identity management challenges efficiently and effectively.


·      DWD relies on NetIQ Identity Manager. The organization has been using the solution as a single point of control for managing identities across the institution for over ten years.

·      DWD’s IT team uses Identity Manager to control 2,500 users’ access to a huge range of systems, including NetIQ eDirectory™, Microsoft Active Directory, Microsoft Exchange, and databases that store weather data.

·      DWD implemented daccord, an access governance offering developed by G + H Systems, and integrated it with Identity Manager. Daccord generates reports detailing which users have access to which systems, plus when and by whom they were granted access, helping DWD to meet compliance requirements around data security with little time and effort


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