Why Information Archiving? Maintaining Compliance, Bolstering Security, and Facilitating Customer Relationships

This white paper describes the importance of information archiving, discusses the various modern types of business data that should be archived, and spotlights some key business benefits of doing so.


·     Enterprise information archiving (EIA) allows the right information to be easily available at the right time. The information archiving market is forecast to grow to nearly $7 billion by 2020, nearly doubling in size over the span of just a few years6 — a spectacular rate of growth.

·     Benefits of enterprising information archiving are the following:
Context Mining, Employee Monitoring, Reduction of Email Server Strain, Reduction of Litigation and Compliance Risk, Business Intelligence Support and Security Support.

·     Information archiving can help protect data by moving it to a more secure location, such as a private cloud. Archiving can also help to secure data against non-malicious threats such as data loss and data corruption.​​​​​​​

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